Passtcert Cisco CCIE 400-201 exam test questions is a pioneer in the Cisco 400-201 exam certification preparation.IT industry is growing very rapidly in the past few years, so a lot of people start to learn IT knowledge, so that keep them for future success efforts. 400-201 CCIE Service Provider certification exam is essential certification of the IT industry, many people frustrated by this certification. Today, I will tell you a good way to pass the exam which is to choose Passtcert Cisco CCIE 400-201 exam test questions.
Share some CCIE 400-201 exam questions and answers below.
In which three scenarios does multihoming in IS-IS work? (Choose three.)
A.merging Level 1 areas
B.splitting the Level 1 area
C.renumbering NSAP addresses
D.modifying the system ID
E.merging Level 2 areas
F.splitting the Level 2 area
G.creating an alternative path to the exit point
Answer: ABC
REP has been deployed in a segment. A network operations engineer notices that a segment port does not become operational. What is the root cause of this issue?
A.More than one neighbor has the same segment ID.
B.A neighbor is using a different port ID.
C.A local port is in alternate port state.
D.A neighbor port is in blocked state.
Answer: A
Which BGP community is used to prevent the advertisement of the BGP prefix to other BGP peers?
Answer: A
In order to pass the Cisco certification 400-201 exam, generally, many people need to spend a lot of time and effort to review.IT industry is growing very rapidly in the past few years, so a lot of people start to learn IT knowledge, so that keep them for future success efforts. Cisco CCIE 400-201 exam test questions are essential certification of the IT industry, many people frustrated by this certification.
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