Share some CCIE 400-101 exam questions and answers below.
Which two statements about AAA authentication are true? (Choose two)
A. RADIUS authentication queries the router's local username database.
B. TACASCS+ authentication uses an RSA server to authenticate users.
C. Local user names are case-insensitive.
D. Local authentication is maintained on the router.
E. KRB5 authentication disables user access when an incorrect password is entered.
Answer: DE
What are two mechanisms that directed ARP uses to help resolve IP addresses to hardware addresses? (Choose two)
A. It removes address-resolution restrictions, allowing dynamic protocols to advertise rou information for the device loopback address.
B. It uses ICMP redirects to advertise next-hop addresses to foreign hosts.
C. It uses series of ICMP echo messages to relay next-hop addresses.
D. It removes address-resolution restrictions, allowing dynamic protocols to advertise routing information for the next-hop address.
E. It uses a proxy mechanism to allow a device to respond to ARP requests for the addresses of other devices.
Answer: BD
Which three service offer VLAN transparency for WAN Ethernet services? (Choose three)
Answer: BEF
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