Share some CCNP Data Center 300-180 exam questions and answers below.
Which three are valid tech support bundles to collect in the local management shell? (Choose three.)
C. Port-Channel
D. Adapter
Answer: A, B, F
The Cisco UCS Manager displays FSM information for which four of these? (Choose four.)
A. which FSM task is being executed
B. the current state of an FSM task
C. the status of the previous FSM task
D. any error codes returned while processing
E. all completed FSM tasks
F. multiple FSM tasks that completed over multiple tries
G. multiple FSM tasks that failed
Answer: A, B, C, D
How will the Cisco UCS Manager react when all of the FSM tasks fail?
A. retries for 60 seconds
B. raises faults and alarms
C. restarts from the previous known good task
D. sends an NOC SNMP trap email
Answer: B
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The full name of 300-180 DCIT exam is Troubleshooting Cisco Data Center Infrastructure. The Associated Certification is CCNP Data Center. There are 60-70 questions in real Cisco 300-180 DCIT exam, which will take the candidates 90 minutes to complete the test. The available language is English. Candidates can register Cisco 300-180 DCIT exam at Pearson VUE testing center. Try Cisco 300-180 DCIT free online test here:
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