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IBM certification C2010-555 exam has become a very popular test in the IT industry, but in order to pass the exam you need to spend a lot of time and effort to master relevant IT professional knowledge. In such a time is so precious society, time is money. Passtcert provide IBM Maximo Asset Management v7.6 Functional Analyst C2010-555 exam latest dumps, which only needs 20 hours to complete and can help you well consolidate the related IT professional knowledge to let you have a good preparation for your first time to participate in IBM certification C2010-555 exam.
Share some IBM Certified Deployment Professional C2010-555 exam questions and answers below.
A company has a requirement to report on actual labor hours, materials, services and tools used as work progresses on a work order.What is the earliest point in the basic life cycle a user can start reporting?
Answer: A
A company wishes to group its location records into a hierarchy to assist users in searching for asset s. How can this be accomplished?
A. Location Groups can be created and LIVE locations added
B. Locations can be linked by using the Related Records tab in the Locations application.
C. Location records will need to be added to a network and can only include locations with an ACTIVE status.
D. Location records need to be added a system and can only include locations with an OPERATING type.
Answer: D
A company has assets at multiple locations that require maintenance There is a requirement to have a single work order with charges rolled up to a single GL account.How can that be achieved?
A. Create a task work order for each asset
B. Create a child work order for each asset
C. Add a job plan that has the assets associated
D. Add the assets in Multiple Assets, Locations and Cis
Answer: B
But passing IBM certification C2010-555 exam is not very easy, it need to spend a lot of time and energy to master relevant IT professional knowledge. Passtcert is a professional IT training website to make the IBM Maximo Asset Management v7.6 Functional Analyst C2010-555 exam latest dumps. At first you can free download part of IBM Maximo Asset Management v7.6 Functional Analyst C2010-555 exam latest dumps on Passtcert as a try, so that you can check the reliability of our product. IBM C2010-555 is one of the important certification exams.
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