Share some IBM Certified Solution Advisor C5050-287 exam questions and answers below.
Which IBM capability is used to control and manage traffic and SLAs in a hybnd cloud environment?
A. IBM DataPower Gateway
B. IBM Castlron
C. IBM StrongLoop CD
D. IBM API Management
Answer: A
What challenge of hybrid cloud environments is addressed by IBM solutions like IBM Cast Iron, IBM MobileFirst platform integration and IBM API Management?
A. lack of workload portability
B. integration of systems of engagement and systems of record
C. service management of provisioned systems
D. mobile applications security in hybrid cloud environments
Answer: B
Based upon the diagram, which capability or capabilities should be provided by the Connection layer to allow developers to take advantage of the functionality offered by App A and APP B?
A. secure connectivity to database DB1 and DB2
B. API Discovery and Assembly
C. Monitoring and debug of Node js apps
D. network connectivity to enterprise IT
Answer: A
Having a IBM certification C5050-287 exam certificate can help people who are looking for a job get better employment opportunities in the IT field and will also pave the way for a successful IT career for them.The certification of IBM C5050-287 exam is what IT people want to get. Because it relates to their future fate. C5050-287 Foundations of IBM Cloud Reference Architecture V5 are the learning materials that each candidate must have.
IT industry is growing very rapidly in the past few years, so a lot of people start to learn IT knowledge, so that keep them for future success efforts. IBM C5050-287 certification exam is essential certification of the IT industry, many people frustrated by this certification. Today, I will tell you a good way to pass the exam which is to choose Passtcert C5050-287 Foundations of IBM Cloud Reference Architecture V5. When you see Passtcert C5050-287 Foundations of IBM Cloud Reference Architecture V5, you understand that this is you have to be purchased. It allows you to pass the exam effortlessly.
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