Passtcert Proctored Exams for Validating Knowledge 700-505 exam sample questions
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Share some Proctored Exams for Validating Knowledge 700-505 exam questions and answers below.Which two product portfolios help make up the Cisco Office in a Box solution? (Choose two.) A. Cisco Nexus 3048 B. Cisco UCS C-Series Servers C. Cisco UCS E-Series Servers D. Cisco ISR 2900 and 3900 Series E. Cisco Nexus 5000 F. Cisco ISR 1900, 2900 and 3900 Series Answer: C, D Your customer is considering migrating to a Cisco Borderless Routing solution from their current vendor. Which best practice can close the sale? A. Show the customer a Cisco television commercial B. Go through a check list and compare the performance capabilities between Cisco and the other vendor. C. Mention that promotions and incentives are available through Cisco. D. Demonstrate how the Cisco solution saves money by consolidating devices and integrating management. Answer:D
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