Share some CHFI 312-49v9 exam questions and answers below.
Which of the following commands shows you all of the network services running on Windows-based servers?
A. Net start
B. Net use
C. Net Session
D. Net share
Answer: A
FAT32 is a 32-bit version of FAT file system using smaller clusters and results in efficient storage capacity. What is the maximum drive size supported?
A. 1 terabytes
B. 2 terabytes
C. 3 terabytes
D. 4 terabytes
Answer: B
Network forensics allows Investigators to inspect network traffic and logs to identify and locate the attack system Network forensics can reveal: (Select three answers)
A. Source of security incidents’ and network attacks
B. Path of the attack
C. Intrusion techniques used by attackers
D. Hardware configuration of the attacker's system
Answer: A, B, C
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