When you select 700-260 exam, do you want to choose an exam training courses? Passtcert is a website that can provide all information about different IT certification exam. Passtcert can provide you with the best and latest exam resources. To choose Passtcert Cisco Specialist 700-260 exam latest dumps you can feel at ease to prepare your Cisco 700-260 exam. Passtcert can help you pass Cisco certification 700-260 exam and can also help you in the future about your work.
Share some Cisco Specialist 700-260 exam questions and answers below.
Increased employee productivity, confidence in data confidentiality, and increased visibility are features that demonstrate which Cisco business value?
A. Cost effectiveness
B. Protection
C. Control
D. Flexibility
E. Completeness
Answer: C
Which Cisco network security solution helps protect against threats by monitoring and responding to any network anomalies, continually analyzing for potential threats and reacting to them in real time?
A. Cisco Security Manager
B. Cisco ASA Firewall Services
C. Cisco ASA Next-Generation Firewall Services
D. Cisco Next-Generation Intrusion Prevention System
E. Cisco Web Security Appliance
F. Cisco Email Security Appliance
G. Cisco Identity Services Engine
H. Cisco Site-to-Site VPN
Answer: D
Which Cisco security technology delivers the best real-time threat intelligence?
A. Cisco Security Intelligence Operations
B. Cisco ASA Next-Generation Firewall Services
C. Cisco Identity Services Engine
D. Cisco Security Manager
E. Cisco TrustSec
Answer: A
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